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Sunday, March 7, 2010

LOG Sunday 07/03/2010

Cardiff IAP Runway in use 12
Parked on stand 15 is PA-31 Cheyenne G-GMED ..departed 09:51
Inbound at 10:55 from the South is "Castle 4" A109A-2 G-TELY ..landed at 11:05 parking on echo ..departed at 12:02 to operate in the Bridgend area ..landed back at 13:47 and parking on echo ..departed 14:55 to the North ..landed back 16:20 ..departed 17:22 home to Liskeard
Ad Hoc charters/One off Airliner movements
Inbound at 11:45 is "Highway 4B" JS31 G-BTXG ..landed 11:55 parking on stand 16
Departing at 12:36 to Inverness is "Highway 31P" JS31 G-FARA
Based Aircraft Movements
Departing at 09:49 to Shoreham is PA-28 Archer II G-BXIF ..landed 13:26 ..departed to Perranporth at 14:17 ..landed 17:19
Departing at 11:11 is Beagle B121 Pup G-AZCZ ..back in for circuits 12:17 ..landed 12:28 ..departed 14:28 ..landed 15:58
Departing at 11:20 is Robin HR.100 G-GMKD ..landed 12:19 ..departed 14:18 ..landed 16:56
Departing at 11:33 to White Waltham is Airtourer G-AZOF ..landed 16:42
Departing at 14:22 is Robin R.1180 G-BJVV ..landed 16:51
Landing at 14:58 is DragonFly Beech 200 G-MEGN
Departing at 16:45 to Plymouth is DragonFly Beech 200 G-BVMA
BAMC Happenings
Inbound at 10:15 from the North is "Speedbird 9260" A320 G-EUUM ..landed 10:35 [Toulouse-Heathrow] ..departed at 13:45 for an airtest as "Speedbird 9261" over Scotland before recovering to Heathrow
G-EUUM BA Cardiff 070310
photo (IanG)
Inbound at 16:15 from Heathrow is "Speedbird 9170" Boeing 777 G-YMMC ..landed 16:38
Tremorfa Heliport
Departing at 08:50 to Blackpool is "Veritair 02"
Departing at 09:07 to the Swansea valley is "Veritair 01" AS355 G-STON ..landed 15:59
Over the Top
Below FL160
Westbound at 09:54 from Chard to Aberystwyth crossing from Minehead to Porthcawl is Hughes 369E G-MACE ..headed home 12:10
Eastbound at 13:05 from Swansea to Miskin Manor is Robinson R44 G-CCYT ..landed 13:16 ..departed back to Swansea 13:22
Above FL160
07:45 "SERDZ" GLF5 SE-RDZ EB descending STU-NUMPO ..European Flight Service
08:15 "N91LA" GLF5 N91LA WB climbing DIKAS-STU ..Aviation Leasing Co LLC
09:20 "N900CH" F2TH N900CH WB FL400 CPT-ABAPO ..Cardal Inc
09:40 "N343MG" F900 N343MG EB descending STU-NUMPO ..Gruss & Co Capital Transport [Teterboro-Farnborough]
09:42 "HZAFA2" CL60 HZ-AFA2 EB FL350 STU-CPT ..Asasco
10:20 "Clean 91" KC-10A 85-0033 WB FL360 MAM-DIKAS-STU ..305thAMW JB McGuire, NJ
11:12 "Reach 026" B744 N572UP EB FL370 SWANY-NUMPO ..United Parcel Service
11:20 "N601PR" CL60 N601PR WB climbing TOPRO-ABAPO ..Wilmington Trust Company [Dunsfold-Portsmouth Intl-Orlando Intl]
11:35 "Reach 3997" KC-135R 63-7997 WB climbing MAM-BZN-LND ..91stARS Macdill AFB, FL
12:20 "N97FT" GLF4 N97FT WB climbing DIKAS-ABAPO ..Fidelity National Financial
12:45 "Cotam 1187" CN35 129/62-IL SB FL170 DOBEM-NOTRO ..ET01.062 Creil-Senlis, France
13:50 "Reach 525" C-5B 87-0034 EB FL350 GAPLI-MAM ..60thAMW Travis AFB, CA
13:55 "Reach 620" C-17A 07-7175 WB FL340 MAM-GITUS ..436thAW Dover AFB, DE
14:10 "Reach 0463" C-5A 70-0463 WB FL360 MAM-GITUS ..167thAS/WV ANG Martinsburg, WV
14:52 "Reach 533" C-17A 07-7174 WB FL300 MAM-GITUS ..436thAW Dover AFB, DE
15:07 HLX8572 B738 D-AHFU WB FL360 CPT-STU ..TUIfly [Dusseldorf-Shannon]
15:23 "N13JS" GL5T N13JS WB climbing DIKAS-STU ..Delaware Challenger Operations
15:38 "N7600P" F900 N7600P WB FL430 CPT-STU ..SAS Institute Inc
15:45 "VPBWR" BBJ VP-BWR WB climbing TOPRO-ABAPO ..USAL Ltd [Stansted-Baltimore/Washington Intl]
16:03 "Reach 463" KC-135R 59-1475 EB FL390 GAPLI-MAM ..92ndARW Fairchild AFB, WA
16:45 "N424QS" GLF4 N424QS WB climbing TOPRO-ABAPO ..NetJets International [Luton-Northwest Philadelphia]
17:07 "Reach 456" C-17A 07-7185 WB FL340 MAM-GITUS ..436thAW Dover AFB, DE
17:36 "Reach 555" C-17A 97-0047 WB FL340 MAM-GITUS ..437thAW JB Charleston SC
17:42 "D-IUTI" BE60 D-IUTI WB FL160 CPT-BCN-STU ..Fair Air
18:00 "Reach 7029" C-5B 87-0029 WB FL360 MAM-DIKAS-STU ..436thAW Dover AFB DE
18:00 unknown IL76 RA-76822 WB FL280 CPT-STU ..Kosmas Air
21:26 "XA-EAJ" GLF5 XA-EAJ EB FL410 STU-CPT ..Desarollo Mosaz S.A.
Around & About
Haverfordwest - Inbound at 10:25 from Goodwood is Robin DR400 G-LARA
Swansea - Inbound at 10:37 from Filton is PA-28 G-BASJ ..returned home 12:27
Swansea - Inbound at 10:38 from Kemble is R44 G-OTVI
Swansea - Inbound at 12:10 from Bournemouth is PA-28 G-AWBC
Swansea - Inbound at 13:50 from Dunkeswell is Cessna 182T G-IZZI

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Notice to Readers
: You are fully welcome to use information from our site, all we ask is that the South Wales Aviation Group are credited. Please don't copy whole sections of the blog for use on your own site. The site is produced by aviation enthusiasts for aviation enthusiasts and is not intended for official use in any way ..regards the SWAG team.

Editorial Information
: In the "Editors on Line" section on the sidebar you will see a list of the SWAG editors currently online, the star * next to one of their names denotes the editor who has primacy at the time and any emails/information should be directed to that person. The editors are: Stu, Phantom2, AndyD, and MikeyF (future events) ..contributing photographers are: StuC, IanG, RichT, Mark Pearce, Matthew Blunt, Hugh Trainer, Ginge Little, Angelo Harmsoworth, Keith Morgan and Phil Watkins

Please continue to send in your pics for use as the header. I would like them cropped to as near to 1600X500 as possible as this makes it easier for me to edit and fit on the site. I will try and change the picture every Sunday ..Regards IanG

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