Cardiff IAP Runway in use 30 12 01:30
Parked at the club is Cessna F182Q N182GC
Parked on Golf is Beech B200GT G-WATJ
Parked on Golf is Cessna 560XL Citation XLS EI-XLS
Due in c11:40 from Hawarden is Beech B300 King Air 350 N8143Q ..landed 11:42 parking on Golf
Inbound at 12:58 from the North is Cessna T182T Turbo Skylane G-DTFF ..landed 13:18 parking at the club ..departed at 19:53 to the North

Picture credit Jac Osborne
Inbound at 13:48 via St.Hilary is Swansea based PA-32R-301 Saratoga IISP G-BKMT ..landed 14:00 parking at the club ..departed at 15:06 along the coast to the West

Picture credit Jac Osborne
Inbound at 13:55 from the North is Welshpool based PA-31-325 Navajo C/R G-BWHF ..landed 14:11 parking on the Norman apron ..departed at 20:32 to Welshpool

Picture credit Jac Osborne
Inbound at 16:05 from the East is Learjet 45 G-SNZY ..landed 16:18 parking on Golf

Picture credit Jac Osborne
Training Flights
Inbound at 13:45 to the CDF hold prior to a couple of approaches is "Ascot 058" LTW Hercules C.5 ZH886 ..go-rounds 14:17 & 14:29 and departed to Exeter
Ad Hoc charters/One off Airliner movements
Due in from Bridgetown at 06:05 is TOM195 B763 G-OOBM ..landed at 05:57 parking on stand 7 ..departed at 07:38 to Newcastle as TOM518F
Due in from Dublin at 10:00 is WX304 RJ85 EI-RJA ..landed 09:56 parking on stand 6 ..departs Sunday

Picture credit RichT
Due in from Dublin at 11:10 is RE4055 AT72 EI-REI ..landed 11:03 parking on stand 13 ..departed at 21:34 back to Dublin as RE4056
Due in from Dublin at 11:25 is RE4095 AT72 EI-REH ..landed 11:11 parking on stand 3 ..departed at 11:30 to Galway as RE095P
Due in from Edinburgh at 22:50 is TOM6726F "Thomson 8WT" B738 G-FDZU ..landed 22:40 parking on stand 10
Based Aircraft Movements
Departing together at 11:05 to Eggesford are Aeronca Chief G-BRWR and Tiger Moth G-ANFI ..returned together and landed 13:40
Departing at 12:27 to the Gower via St.Hilary is PA-28 G-CSBD ..landed home 13:15
BAMC Happenings
MOD St Athan Runway in use 08
Police ASU EC135T2 Active Today: G-WONN "Police 32"
634 VGS Vigilants active today: ZH209/UQ
Tremorfa Heliport
Inbound at 13:00 is AS355F1 Ecureuil 2 G-DFOX ..landed c13:05 ..departed at 13:26 to Celtic Manor
Landing at 14:21 is AS355F1 Ecureuil 2 G-BOSN ..departed c14:30
Landing c15:03 is A.109S G-VERU ..departed c19:20 to Battersea
Tower Transits
Westbound at 10:30, passing just North of St.Athan at 10:38, on a flight from Lydd to Haverfordwest is Beech F33 Bonanza OO-JKM ..returning Eastbound at 14:30 crossing the channel near Nash Point
Eastbound at 14:54 along the coast, South of the airport at 15:01, on a flight from Swansea to Kemble is Commander 114B G-EMCA
Over the Top
01:43 WB FL300 at EXMOR "Reach 364" 04-4134 C-17A
01:46 WB FL300 at EXMOR "Reach 357" 07-7171 C-17A
03:58 EB FL410 at DIKAS DCS452 D-ADCB GLF5 [KHPN/Westchester Co > EDDS/Stuttgart]
05:04 EB FL310 at NUMPO M-DSCL E135 [EINN/Shannon > EGSS/Stansted]
05:55 EB FL330 at DIKAS "Reach 394" 07-7178 C-17A
06:17 EB FL350 W of CDF CFC4100 15001 CC150
07:11 WB climbing at EXMOR "Reach 882" 05-5140 C-17A
08:57 WB climbing at TOPRO N754BA G550
09:33 WB climbing at TOPRO N1818C GLF4
09:46 WB FL350 at CDF "Reach 275" 03-3125 C-17A
10:05 WB FL300 at EXMOR "Reach 360" 07-7186 C-17A
10:21 NB FL120 at CDF M-SMJJ C414 [? > EGNH/Blackpool]
10:21 EB FL350 at TOPRO "Reach 408" 03-3113 C-17A [CONUS > ETAR/Ramstein]
10:22 EB FL330 at TOPRO "Reach 9165" 99-0165 C-17A [CONUS > ETAD/Spangdahlem]
10:36 WB climbing at BCN N677FR GLF4
12:37 WB FL300 at DIKAS PP-AAF F2TH ..STU HMU check ?
12:49 WB FL320 at EXMOR "Reach 448" 89-1192 C-17A
12:58 EB descending at NUMPO PP-AAF F2TH [? > EGGW/Luton]
14:47 WB FL300 at EXMOR "Reach 155" 08-8193 C-17A
17:35 EB FL410 at DIKAS N100MB F2TH
17:46 SB FL110 at CDF M-SMJJ C414 [EGNH/Blackpool > ?]
18:00 WB FL400 at DIKAS N586D GLF4
20:31 WB climbing N of DIKAS VP-BOW GLEX
22:35 EB descending N of NUMPO N416QS GLF4 [MYNN/Nassau > EINN/Shannon > EGGW/Luton]
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