Cardiff IAP Runway in use 12 30 01:34
Parked at the club is Cessna F182Q N182GC ..departed at 14:27 to the South

Picture credit Phil Woods
Parked on Golf is Beech B200GT G-WATJ ..departed at 10:12 to Caernarfon as "Ambassador 213A"

Picture credit Phil Woods
Parked on Golf is Cessna 560XL Citation 560XL EI-XLS ..departed at 12:31 as "High Flyer 56A"

Picture credit Phil Woods
Parked on Golf is Beech B300 King Air 350 N8143Q ..departed at 11:58 to Farnborough

Picture credit Phil Woods
Parked on Golf is Learjet 45 G-SNZY ..departed at 08:42 to Syon

Picture credit Phil Woods Inbound at 12:45 is Swansea based PA-38-112 Tomahawk G-BOMO ..landed 12:54 parking at the club ..departed at 14:14 via Wenvoe
Inbound at 14:25 from the South is "Beauport 531" Cessna 510 Citation Mustang G-XAVB ..landed 14:38 parking on the Norman apron ..departed at 17:57 to Jersey as "Beauport 532"

Picture credit Phil Woods
Inbound at 16:05 from the East is Newport area based Robin R3000/120 G-PAVL ..landed 16:15 parking at the club ..departed at 17:06 via Wenvoe to its home near Newport

Picture credit Jac Osborne
Ad Hoc charters/One off Airliner movements
Parked on stand 6 is Cityjet RJ85 EI-RJA ..departed at 15:13 to Dublin as WX505

Picture credit Phil Woods
Due in from Dublin at 10:30 is RE013P AT72 EI-REI ..landed 10:06 parking on stand 1 ..departed at 10:53 back to Dublin as RE4013

Picture credit Phil Woods
Due in from Dublin at 12:00 is RE087P AT72 EI-SLL ..landed 14:40 parking on stand 1 ..departed at 15:26 back to Dublin as RE4087

Picture credit Phil Woods
Inbound at 14:05 from East Midlands is "Baby 94NP" B733 G-TOYG ..landed 14:12 parking on stand 3 ..departed at 15:04 to Dublin as WW7211
Due in from Dublin at 15:50 is RE096P AT72 EI-SLL ..landed 18:03 parking on stand 1 ..departed at 18:32 back to Dublin as RE4096
Due out to Belfast City at 19:00 is WW6331 B733 G-TOYF ..departed at 19:10 ..arrived back from Belfast at 21:39 as WW6332 and parked on stand 1
Based Aircraft Movements
Aeros active today: G-BGIB, G-BSOK

Picture credit Phil Woods
Departing at 09:47 to Shobdon is PA-28 G-BXIF ..landed 13:05
Departing at 11:42 to the West is Pup G-AZCZ ..returned 12:40 into the circuit ..landed 13:18 ..airborne 14:31 into the circuit ..landed 15:40 ..airborne again 15:45 for circuits ..landed 16:09
Departing at 11:53 to the West is RV-9A G-CERK ..landed 12:24
Departing at 12:09 to Swansea is Glasair G-KSIR ..landed 14:56
Departing at 14:59 to the West is PA-28 G-CSBD ..landed 15:59
BAMC Happenings
Inbound at 08:32 from Heathrow is "Speedbird 9172" B744 G-BYGF ..landed 08:46
Due out at 15:15 to Heathrow is "Speedbird 9173" B772 G-YMMJ ..departed at 15:10

Picture credit Phil Woods
MOD St Athan Runway in use 26
Police ASU EC135T2 active today: G-WONN "Police 32"
634 VGS Vigilant active today: ZH209/UQ
Tower Transits
Eastbound along the coast at 15:50 is Robinson R22 G-CCAP
Over the Top
04:41 EB FL430 at NUMPO VQ-BLV GLF5
05:40 EB FL400 at TOPRO N900HG F9EX [KDAL/Dallas Love Fld > KBTL/W K Kellogg > LSZA/Lugano]
07:16 EB FL390 at TOPRO C-FBCR CL60 [KBED/Laurence G Hanscom Fld > CYUL/Montreal Dorval > LIML/Milan Linate]
07:29 EB FL410 at DIKAS BVR60 D-APLC FA7X [KSPI/Springfield Capital > EDSB/Karlsruhe-Baden Baden]
07:39 EB descending at BCN N520SC CL60 (c/n 5579)
07:52 EB descending at BCN N860AA GLF5
08:24 WB FL400 at DIKAS N8JQ C750
08:54 EB descending at BCN D-CAHH C680
10:02 EB FL330 at DIKAS "Reach 720" 00-0182 C-17A
10:02 WB climbing at TOPRO N725LB GLEX
10:10 EB FL370 at DIKAS "Reach 551" 07-7173 C-17A
10:29 EB FL410 at DIKAS N252CH GLF4
10:31 WB FL320 at TOPRO VP-CGN G550 [EGGW/Luton > EINN/Shannon]
10:46 EB FL450 at NUMPO UJT614 N614RD GLF4 [KTEB/Teterboro > LYBE/Belgrade]
11:36 EB descending S of NUMPO N737M BBJ [KHPN/Westchester Co > EGSS/Stansted]
12:26 WB climbing at DIKAS BJS337 N337FX CL60
12:43 EB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 048" 94-0067 C-17A
12:55 WB FL320 at EXMOR "Reach 385" 99-0061 C-17A
13:22 WB climbing at DIKAS SVA7733 HZ-AFV GLF4 [EGLF/Farnborough > KCLE/Cleveland-Hopkins]
13:31 WB FL350 at TOPRO "Evac 33115" 03-3115 C-17A
13:41 WB FL300 at EXMOR "Reach 971" 02-1112 C-17A
14:18 WB FL320 at EXMOR "Reach 371" 06-6167 C-17A
14:34 WB FL340 at EXMOR "Reach 494" 06-6164 C-17A
14:46 EB FL400 S of EXMOR N405QS G450 [EGKK/Gatwick > KRIC/Richmond]
16:21 EB FL370 at BCN "Reach 190" 63-8044 KC-135R
16:28 WB climbing N of TOPRO A6-DEJ GLF5
20:12 WB FL300 at TOPRO CLX776 TF-NAC B744 [ELLX/Luxembourg > KHSV/Huntsville]
20:42 WB FL400 at TOPRO NAF11 V-11 GLF4
20:58 EB descending S of NUMPO N502QS GLF5 [KHYA/Hyannis > EGLL/Heathrow]
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