Cardiff IAP Runway in use 12
Inbound at 10:10 from Swansea is PA-38-112 Tomahawk G-BOMO ..landed 10:25 parking at the club ..departed at 11:09 via St Hilary home to Swansea
Inbound at 10:55 from Swansea is PA-38-112 Tomahawk G-BGKY ..landed 11:21 parking at the club ..departed at 12:08 via St Hilary home to Swansea

Picture credit Phil Woods
Inbound at 12:50 from the South is "Blackadder 31" Beagle Pup G-AZCL ..landed 13:01 parking at the club ..departed at 14:32 to the South

Picture credit Phil Woods
Inbound at 14:20 from Dublin is "Fraction 966F" Cessna 560XL Citation XLS CS-DXN ..landed 14:40 parking on the Norman apron ..departed at 15:48 to Farnborough as "Fraction 6BR"

Picture credit Mark Pearce
Training Flights
Inbound at 16:28 to the CDF hold prior to an approach is "Proflight 78" Beech 76 G-TWNN ..go-round 17:03 and departed to Bournemouth
Inbound at 16:35 to the CDF hold prior to an approach is DA42 G-CTCF ..go-round 17:07 and departed to Bournemouth
Ad Hoc charters/One off Airliner movements
Due in from Shannon at 16:00 is RE4063 AT72 EI-SLN ..landed 15:37 parking on stand 7 ..departed at 16:07 to Dublin as RE064P
Based Aircraft Movements
Active with Aeros today: G-BGIB, G-BOPC
Departing at 09:09 to the East via Wenvoe is PA-28 Archer G-OPET ..landed 16:16
Departing at 10:26 to St Athan is Beech Sundowner G-BBTY
Departing at 11:44 via St.Hilary is PA-38 Tomahawk G-GALL ..landed 15:58
Departing at 11:58 via Wenvoe is PA-28 Warrior G-BXIF ..returned 13:32 into the circuit ..landed 13:47
Departing at 12:49 via Wenvoe is PA-34 Seneca G-JANN ..landed 16:01
MOD St Athan Runway in use 08
Police ASU EC135T2 Active Today: G-WONN "Police 32"
UWAS Grob Tutor active today: G-BYWD
Inbound at 10:15 for fuel is "Skua 336" 815NAS Lynx HMA.8SRU ZD252/(CT-338) ..landed 10:26 ..departed at 10:39 to operate in the channel
Inbound at 10:27 from Cardiff is Beech Sundowner G-BBTY ..landed 10:32
Tremorfa Heliport
Inbound at 12:50 from the North is "Seacat 119" Lynx HMA.8 ..landed c12:55 ..departed c13:53 to Yeovilton
Over the Top
04:59 EB FL410 at DIKAS NJE9NB CS-DSB FA7X [KHPN/Westchester Co > LFPB/Le Bourget]
06:33 WB FL300 at EXMOR "Reach 134" 07-7179 C-17A
07:23 WB FL200 at DIKAS "Reach 115" 79-0479 C-130H
07:41 EB FL350 at NUMPO "Reach 973" 03-3117 C-17A
07:43 EB descending at DIKAS N312P F900
09:00 WB FL320 at DIKAS "Reach 7038" 87-0038 C-5B
09:38 WB climbing at DIKAS BAH6 A9C-BRN GLF5
10:03 EB FL350 at TOPRO "Reach 800" 03-3114 C-17A
10:50 EB FL390 at DIKAS C-FLMK CL60 [KTEB/Teterboro > LFPB/Le Bourget]
11:03 EB FL410 at DIKAS "Irish 251" 251 GLF4
11:03 WB FL280 N of NUMPO "Fraction 7MK" CS-DRM H25B [EGLF/Farnborough > EICM/Galway]
12:09 EB descending at BCN N420QS GLF4 [EIDW/Dublin > EGLF/Farnborough]
12:46 WB climbing at TOPRO N282Q G550 [EGLL/Heathrow > KTEB/Teterboro]
13:05 NB FL400 at CDF F-WWVC F900 (c/n 255) ..turned WB at BCN to STU for HMU check
13:16 NB descending at EXMOR "Airbus 401" F-WWMS A400 [? > EGTG/Filton]
13:28 WB FL380 at DIKAS I-PBRB F2TH
13:34 EB FL450 at BCN F-WWVC F900
14:02 WB climbing at TOPRO N234DB G550 [EGLF/Farnborough > ?]
14:25 WB climbing at NUMPO N420QS GLF4 [EGLF/Farnborough > KTEB/Teterboro]
14:34 WB climbing at TOPRO N101MH GLF5 [EGGW/Luton > ?]
15:49 EB>SB FL140 at BCN NJE942C CS-DHB C550 [EINN/Shannon > EGTE/Exeter]
15:58 NB FL280 at CDF HSS761 EC-GSQ B350
17:07 EB FL450 at NUMPO N22RG C750
17:11 WB climbing at DIKAS N76SF CL60 [EGGW/Luton > ?]
17:29 WB FL380 S of TOPRO DLH404 D-AIMC A388 [EDDF/Frankfurt > KJFK/New York]
17:50 WB FL350 at DIKAS "Reach 296" 02-1100 C-17A
17:51 WB FL320 at TOPRO N142HC G450
18:46 NB FL240 at CDF N278AP PRM1
19:16 EB FL410 at DIKAS N546QS G550 [KHPN/Westchester Co > LFPB/Paris Le Bourget]
20:02 WB climbing at TOPRO N394AK GLF4 [EGGW/Luton > ?]
23:40 EB descending at BCN LXJ531 N531FX CL30
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